This service is for children 12 years and younger

Natural Hair Treatment R150 (45 minutes including detangling & wash)

Kid’s medium cornrows no hairpiece R200 (2 hours)

This service includes a finger-detangle to gentle separate the tangles, a proper wash, scalp basing and hair moisturizing.

Kid’s small cornrows no hairpiece R250 (2 & half hours)

This service includes a finger-detangle to gentle separate the tangles, a proper wash, scalp basing and hair moisturizing.

Kid’s medium cornrows with hair extension R300 (2 & half hours)

This service includes a finger-detangle to gentle separate the tangles, a proper wash, scalp basing and hair moisturizing.

Kid’s small cornrows with hair extension R350 (2 & half hours)

This service includes a finger-detangle to gentle separate the tangles, a proper wash, scalp basing and hair moisturizing. 

Kid’s braiding short (up to bra length) R400  (3 hours)

This service includes a finger-detangle to gentle separate the tangles, a proper wash, scalp basing and hair moisturizing.

Kid’s braiding long (up to hip length) R600  (4 hours)

This service includes a finger-detangle to gentle separate the tangles, a proper wash, scalp basing and hair moisturizing.